Thursday 16 July 2015


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Dear bloggers,

It has been a minute since my last blog about food. I have been a bit under the weather lately but by no means is that an excuse to starve you guys. So without further adew...lets go over what we need to make french toast (or what most of us call toast bread)

This is not a very healthy meal per se but once in a while you should treat yourself for working so hard...anyway...I am not saying that this recipe is authentic, I am just sharing how I like to make it so lets get started.

You will need:
1. 1/2 cup of whole milk
2. 2 large eggs
3. 6 thick slices of bread (brown or white)
4. salt and sugar to taste
5. 1 table spoon of vanilla extract (avoid the artificial one, tastes like meds and not that flavorful)
5. maple syrup/honey/fruits/powdered sugar
6. butter or oil of your choice for cooking

That is all you will need and this recipe will serve three people and has very few ingredients. Another thing I would like to point out is that its advised that you use thick slices of bread because we will be soaking them in the custard we will make but if yours aren't that thick, its will just have to soak them for less time to prevent them from falling apart.

1. pour your all your wet ingredients(milk, eggs, vanilla extract/essence) on a large semi flat plate and whisk to uniformity. You can use a fork or a whisk, be careful not to overdo it.( I use milk instead of water and or plain eggs because milk gives a creamy fluffy texture as oposed to eggs which would be stringy and dry and not that tasty.)

2. I know this is weird, putting salt and sugar together but trust me, they are the best set of spices that will ever go together just be careful not to over indulge. salt is very strong so what i do is I put one table spoon of sugar and then add in salt as i taste a little at a time until i get the desired taste...which is not sweet and not bitter, somewhere inbetween.At this point I stir well and i am ready to cook them.

3. For my oil I like using prestige magerine because it give my toast a nice flavor but if you are not into too much flavor, you can use unflavored oil like vegetable oil. Turn on your heat on medium and butter/ oil your pan.

4. Take two slices of bread and submerge them in the custard letting them sit for about thirty seconds on each side and then placing them on your now hot pan.

5. Cook until golden brown on both sides.Its important to cook your toast on medium heat so that the inside of your toast cooks well and you dont have raw custard.

6. Proceed to do the same with the other slices of bread. This will serve about three people but strictly depending on the size of the slices.

You can sprinkle a little powdered sugar on top or pour your desired amount of maple syrup or honey and enjoy. If you are feeling a little guily, they can be accompanied by some sweet fresh fruit such as berries or grapes.

I hope you enjoy this recipe, if you try it out i would love to know how you liked them. You can comment below and post a picture. Enjoy your evening and I will see you back here with yet another recipe for you that is simple and uses few ingredients.